We have an Apartment!!

August 19th, 2007 at 7:21 pm by sarah

Yes, you read that correctly. We, Mike and I, have found a place of our very own. A nice one too! It’s not two sad small rooms in a dark and dreary triple decker! (Like most of the apartments in our price range.) We have found ourselves an actual, like we can have people over and not be embarrassed or sitting on top of each other, really nice apartment.

The apartment is actually half of a little duplex just outside Dedham Square, along Route 1 and close to 128. Here is a link to a map of the area. The magic of google has allowed us to place markers on all of the cool things nearby. MAP

We don’t have any pictures yet, so I’m including a doodle of what it looks like from the outside. [Our Place!] Our apartment would be the left half, with a nice little skinny fenced yard along the side. Nothing special, but it’s private and it’s a yard. It’s at least enough room for a patio set and a grill, which is waaaay more than any other place we’d seen.

The first floor is a long combined living and dining room, with hardwood floors and off-white walls and lots of windows. Plenty of room for my insanely large couch, and a table and chairs for the dining half. Through the living/dining room is a big eat-in kitchen. Lots of cabinets and counter space, a gas stove, a big newish fridge and a dishwasher. There are washer/dryer hookups right in there the kitchen, and it even comes with a dryer! There’s also a full, private basement, which seems clean but just maybe a bit damp. We’re excited because it’s plenty of space to store things and even have a little workshop area.

Upstairs there are THREE (yes, three) small bedrooms. There’s also a fun house hallway (incredibly long and skinny) running the length of the house down to the unfortunately small bathroom. We’ll take the front room for our bedroom, then Mike can have an office/music room, and I can have an office/craft room. Super added bonus, my room has a 4ftx4ft walk in closet. (Whoo-hoo!) Next to my room is the teeny tiny bath room. It’s a full bathroom with a proper tub/shower, but it’s tight. There’s enough room to open the door and step in, and that’s about it. But it’ll work.

So, we’re reeling from the excitement of it, we just found out we got it late Thursday night. Not sure if we’ll actually move in then, but it’ll be ours September 1st! We can’t wait for everyone to see it, and come visit! We should have plenty of room for any out-of-state guests too, we can totally put you on an air mattress in the basement. I kid! I kid! Nothing but the best for anyone who comes to stay.

Pet sitting (not sitting on pets)

July 21st, 2007 at 12:18 pm by mike

Day 1: Kept being woken in the night by the occational fluffy thing. Woke this morning to find Sarah replaced on the bed by Kyle.
Struggled with Little Cat when giving medicine, then had a moment of panicl thinking it was the wrong cat. Meticulous inspection and cat-lifting confirmed that it was indeed the littler cat.
Came back from Danish Pastry Shop and had lovely breakfast on front porch. Lovely breakfast was followed by discovery of poop in dining room. It was rather stinky, stuck to the floor, and had hair matted into it. (There were also poopy catprints nearby)

teh intarwebs

July 20th, 2007 at 10:26 am by sarah

So, I have all of these ideas for stories and silly poems and such, but I haven’t fleshed them all out yet. Why? Because I’m a procrastinating slacker mostly, but also because I am totally addicted to the web. I am completely hooked on google reader, and spend most of my days reading feeds from a bevy of different websites. It’s like having all of the websites you like delivered to you in one, easy read, simple page. It’s also very cool, because you can subscribe to friends feeds, and see what they’ve marked as interesting enough to share, and they can see what you chose to share. Hours of entertainment!
And as if I didn’t already waste enough of my day reading random things on the internets, I now have a new preoccupation. Sam’s introduced me to Pownce, which I don’t quite understand yet, but it’s pretty darn cool. It is at least a really neat way of sharing links, music, pictures, videos, whatever between friends. Like friendster with a purpose. Like email but easier. Like a blog meets google reader. Okay, like I said, I don’t quite get it yet.

It’s invitation only at this point (it’s brand spanking new) but I have about 4 invites, and I’m sure Mike has some too. So, join us…join us…join us…

Let us know who’s interested, or if anyone else uses google reader and wants to share feeds, I’m always looking for even more distractions!


July 5th, 2007 at 1:56 pm by sarah

“If I lived in Springfield, what would my character look like?”

This is the best I could do with the options available. I’m not sure that it looks like me, but it was fun creating it.

Create your own here:  http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/main.html


Rock, Paper, Scissors…..Shoot!

June 15th, 2007 at 10:51 am by mike

I was playing a game of tag last week with the kindergarteners. We were outside, running around the big climbing structure in the playground, so I couldn’t see all the kids all the time. One of the kids claimed he tagged another one, while the other kid said he had reached base safely. I hadn’t seen what happened, so I couldn’t say who was right. It was turning into a heated debate, with both kids adamant they were right, and starting to get upset with the other. So I suggested they rock, paper, scissors for it, and the winner would win the descision.
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More kids’ lyrics

June 14th, 2007 at 10:52 pm by mike

This time the lyrics are by 2nd and 3rd graders, the others were by kindergarteners. And, once again, it needs some creative rhythmic stretching to make it fit.
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May 24th, 2007 at 3:28 pm by sarah

I don’t know how it is that I’m so lucky, but I’ve got yet another “interesting” coworker to share. Here’s a bit of my day, for your enjoyment: 

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New kids’ lyrics

May 8th, 2007 at 11:46 pm by mike

This one is also set to “This Land is Your Land”, and it also needs some creative rhythmic stretching. Read the rest of this entry »

Kids Write Songs!

May 7th, 2007 at 11:17 pm by mike

Or at least new lyrics to existing songs. This one is set to the tune of “This Land is Your Land,” although you have to be creative to get some of the lyrics to fit the rhythm.

Kindergarteners love ponies. (the girls, anyway)  Read the rest of this entry »

My New Favorite Joke

May 1st, 2007 at 6:50 pm by mike

What’s yellow and dangerous? Read the rest of this entry »

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