Things Overheard 2

November 20th, 2007 at 10:49 pm by mike

We have a dramatic play area at work that is currently decorated to look like a castle. The other day, while the kindergarteners were playing there, one of them said he was going to be the king. Now, I’m pretty sure I misheard the next kid, but it sounded like he said he was going to be a serf. I had no idea 5 year olds understood feudal class structure. Amazing.

Then he started singing “Life is a Highway.”

Things overheard

November 6th, 2007 at 11:18 pm by mike

Kindergarteners say some excellent things.

Outside on the playgound:
Andrew: “I’m going to be the Incredible Hulk!”
Joey: “I’m going to be the regular Hulk!”

At lunch:
Davin: “I’m in class with Luke.” Points at Luke, “That kind of Luke.”

“Why did Harry Johnson cross the road?”
“To get more puppets?”
“To get a stack of dominoes?”
(I never did hear the answer to the joke….)

And a near daily bus favorite:
“Knock knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Banana peel”
“Banana peel who?”
Banana fart peel!”