I am not sure how i feel about this.

September 13th, 2007 at 2:22 pm by rebaki

So, Blind Melon is touring. Yah I know. Its like saying Nirvana is touring. How the hell can they tour with their singer, one of my favorite, is dead. I know ACDC replaced their lead singer with much success, but, I just don’t know how I feel about this.

They have some songs on their myspace page that I have not heard before. I can not tell if it’s Shannon (old stuff that was never released) or the new guy Travis, sounding much like Shannon. I know Shannon was not the only talent behind Blind Melon, the other guys did write the music and some of the lyrics. I believe the guitars wrote No Rain, lyrics and all. But, it just seems that it’s going to be impossible to replace him even with a guy who looks and sounds like him.


69 Responses to “I am not sure how i feel about this.”

  1. mike Says:

    It sounds like a new guy. Who sounds like Shannon. But not really in a good way.

  2. charles Says:

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    thank you!!…

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    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

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