
April 11th, 2007 at 10:57 pm by mike

Is a total trip. Today Val, one of the teachers, tried teaching the kids about telling jokes. She gave them some guidelines about what makes jokes funny, how to tell them, etc. Of course, it didn’t really sink in, and we had lots of kids making up jokes like: “Knock knock, Who’s there? Knock knock, Knock knock who? No, I was knocking on my head!” Which is funny mostly because of the enthusiaim they put into it. Then we told the kids some jokes, and one kid kept not getting them. I know this, because he kept saying “I don’t get it,” and looking very concerned. Until finally either one sank in or was explained to him, and he stood up, arms raised, like he was gonna testify to the lord, and yelled “I get it!”

Also, because I get to work with kindergarteners, I get to do things like spend my morning coloring. And get compliments on my coloring job from the kids. It’s funny having someone admire your ability to color a picture.

It’s not all happy times, of course, and lately we’ve been having kids resolve conflicts by spitting. Fun. I’ve had to talk to three or four kids about finding different ways of handling a problem, because spitting on someone isn’t okay.

And I’m not sure if sometimes they forget, or they just don’t want to, but sometimes they don’t flush the toilet. Yeah, working with five year olds. It certainly isn’t boring.

56 Responses to “Kindergarten”

  1. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    I love how kids show their emotions with their whole body. Like when they are so happy or excited to be doing something they are practically jumping out of their skin.

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