Is this thing still on?

March 15th, 2007 at 5:39 am by sarah

Does anyone miss reading about our exploits? More than we miss exploiting? This dreary, workaday, regular life has taken a hold of us, and I for one desperately miss doing something new and interesting each and every day. I miss the freedom, I miss the adventure, and I miss the sheep damnit. More pointedly though, I miss writing about the new and interesting every day, or almost every day, or whenever we got a chance. Quick posts to let people know we were okay, long descriptions of our adventures, and longer rants about our misadventures. Having to catalog what you’ve been up to is an interesting and insightful process. I miss being able to take a moment and talk about what has been going on. 

On top of that, keeping in touch with everyone at once was such a great thing. Maybe it’s a passive way to maintain friendships, but I think it works in this crazy modern world; when everyone is so busy, phone tag seems never ending, and you keep meaning to email people but never seem to get around to it. Maybe a message board is the way to go?  Basically this post is about finding out people’s interest level. What if we kept the blog going? What if we changed it a bit and opened it up somehow so that anyone who wanted to could leave their own message, updates, questions, rants or insights? What if it could be anything you wanted to say, share, or show? What if it could be everything you’ve ever wanted, and more? What then, people? What then? 

58 Responses to “Is this thing still on?”

  1. sam Says:

    I vote to keep the blog. sure, it’s mostly a one-way street, but conversations happen in the comments too, sometimes.

    If you update the blog regularly, people will read it, and I’m sure it’ll be fun.

    I’m trying to do a thing-a-day type project myself – I’ve found it incredibly rewarding. Just getting yourself to do something (write, photograph, explore, whatever) every day is totally easy, it’s just a matter of actually doing it.

  2. steff Says:

    I think continuing posting here is a great idea – I would come back to read your everyday adventures. you’ve been to NH, and other places too (gym, grocery store, etc). blog away!! and like sam said, we can chatter away at each other in your comments (hi sam!).

  3. glenn Says:

    Go for it, yo! I was kinda bummed when you guys stopped posting.

  4. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    I love the blog and how it connects all of us. Maybe we can combine what Sam said with your existing blog. Perhaps we each get logins to post our own misadventures, new photos, stories or just crazy things we’ve seen. I
    Maybe we could have a weekly topic. This week its cheese and we can write, talk, shoot, draw about our interpretation of cheese (Swiss, toe, hair metal).

  5. sam Says:

    I do like cheese…

  6. sarah Says:

    Hurray! I’m so glad people are still interested! (Hey Glenn, Hi Rebecca!) We’ll continue posting, I know Mike has some post-NZ thoughts he’d like to share. We’ll have to look into what options there are for getting everyone posting privileges, so it’s not just Mike and I running the show. In the meantime, Rebecca wins, and the topic is cheese.

  7. mike Says:

    Hey, everybody, I’m glad people have interest in this. And I’m impressed people are still checking it, we’ve slacked monumentally on it. I do have some post-NZ thoughts I’m trying to organize into blog form, and hopefully I’ll have them up soon. And I’ll try relating anything this week to cheese. However loosely.
    Also, hi Glenn and Rebecca, good to hear from you.

  8. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    Hey guys, I am somewhat shocked at the quick response Sarah has with her image of cheese.

    My recent trip to Disney produced many examples of cheese. I don’t mean this in a bad way since I truly enjoyed my trip. I used to pooh pooh anyone saying they were going to Disney, but now I am a Disney convert. Just visit that place with an under 3 year old and you will be too! Please be assured that I will not buy a time share or plan any Disney cruise trips, it’s just a good trip for an under 3 year old (they are free if they are under 3) (uhm that rhymes)

    There’s the It’s a Small World ride…CHEEEESEEEE. But, it’s cute too. It’s cute how old that ride is and how it’s actually just in a big warehouse with painted dropped ceiling, musty water and old wooden ‘robots’. It’s really cheesy how Mickey Mouse ears are everywhere in Orlando. But, not all cheese is good my friends.

    If Disney were a microcosm of our country I would say we are in deep do do (well we are in deep do do, aren’t we?). There were some truly deplorable parenting and self hygiene skills exhibited there. I mean I love King Richard’s Fair and all but I don’t consider a huge honking turkey leg (and large coke) a reasonable lunch for a grossly overweight 7 year old. I bring this up only because it seemed to be the only thing the overweight 7 year olds were eating at Disney. I could be over looking some important facts as to why this was the chosen meal of the day. Shorter lines, it’s a less expensive option, it consist of actual protein or perhaps it is the only thing those kids would eat. But, it just seemed wrong.

    The other thing that really got my goat (please note I do not actually have a goat) was not so much the huge group of people wearing matching shirts. I kind of get that since they are probably on an organized trip and the shirts were probably free. But, the couples that had matching shirts or worse complimentary shirts, “Thing One” and “Thing Two” or worse “Hers” and “His”. I mean COME ON (say it like GOB from Arrested Development); I just got married and have felt pretty cheesy lately. Well, who am I fooling I’ve always been cheesy, so I guess I’ve been cheesier lately. But, I would not be caught in a complementing shirts on a vacation. Is that what we will become? People who think that it’s cute to match our partner? I know this can happen simply because you are together a lot of the time, but I think it’s worth the effort to try and avoid it.

    Sorry for the rant. I just had a lot of cheese and it makes me a bit crazy!!!

  9. Rebecca Jennings Says:

  10. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    ok.. sorry for the misfires. I was trying to post pictures but alas it did not work.

  11. sarah Says:

    i fixed the image and deleted the misfire, hang on to your hats, i’m monkeying around with the site a bit…

  12. sarah Says:

    So, you’re saying that Mike and I are going to have to throw away our matching hawaiian shirts? Or can we keep those, and just get rid of our “Property of ___” shirts? Nothing says love like putting your status on a tshirt you know.

    I’m glad you had fun at Disney, personally I think the only way that could be fun is through the eyes of a child. (A young child too, I was horrified by Disney when we went there when I was 10.) But yeah, I’ll bet you witnessed all kinds of stellar parenting. Heck, I’m shocked by what I see at the grocery store. I can only imagine how much worse it is when these masters of parenting are set loose in a theme park. I mean, if you think about it, this is probably (for a lot of them) their big family trip – if not of a lifetime, at least of their kid’s childhood.

    Sure Johnny, you can have a turkey leg. Absolutely you can have a large soda! After that, we’ll all get large ice creams! Then at dinner we’re hitting the all-you-can-eat fried everything buffet! You can have whatever your precious little heart desires, because this is Disney, where dreams come true! And you can have extra helpings of it all, because you’re mommy’s precious little snowflake!

    The picture says it all, doesn’t it.

    (ps – I love turkey legs)

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