Leaving on a Jet PLane

December 19th, 2006 at 2:07 pm by mike

Tonight. We leave Auckland at 7:30 pm, and get in this morning at 10 am. Still wrapping my brain around the idea that we travel back in time.

So it is a bittersweet parting from NZ. We are going to miss this place very much. We have had some great experiences and met some wonderful people. I guess we’ll just have to come back. At the same time, it will be good to get home and see everyone. Also, it will be really nice to stop moving all the time and living out of our bags. And although we understand we are coming home for Christmas, it is still a sort of abstract thought. It seems something far away, because we’ve been in summertime for the last couple of months. And it’s been very weird to hear and see Christmas ads here. They mostly include something about “Summer is coming, and you know what that means – Christmas!” Huh?

Anyway, the last few days were really good. We drove up to a town called Russell, on the Bay of Islands. The hostel we stayed at was just a house with a guest cottage beside it. Very small and cozy and welcoming. The owners were very friendly and gracious, and made us really feel like guests. We did a sailboat cruise of the bay two days ago, and although it was a little too cool and cloudy to swim or snorkel, we still had a fun time. It was an excellent way to wrap up our time here. Today we drove back down to Auckland, and soon we’ll be dropping off our car and heading to the airport. So this is the last post from NZ. We should have some wireless when we get to LA, so lots more pictures (and posts) to follow.

62 Responses to “Leaving on a Jet PLane”

  1. sam Says:

    We’re all excited to have you back soon! I’ll change the date/time on the blog back to US time tomorrow morning!

  2. steff Says:

    I played this sound file of the kookuburra for sam – it really does sound like a monkey fight. http://www.honoluluzoo.org/kookaburra.htm

  3. mom and dad Says:

    I feel sad that your trip is over…. I wish you many many more!!!! lots of love…Mom

  4. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    I got you voicemail. The area code was in Turks and Cacos (sp?) so i didn’t anwer..thought it was someone who wanted to send me 200 mill to hold for them. Any ho.. glad it was a great experience (saving the poop lady)

  5. Greg Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.soulmp3.ru/?p=48&lol= deans@cats.establishes“>.< / a >…


  6. gene Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.oldiesmusic.ru/?p=37&lol= playhouse@helmut.beebes“>.< / a >…


  7. alberto Says:

    < a href = “http://com.artistcluster.ru/?p=29&lol= dystopian@habla.inadvertently“>.< / a >…

    thanks for information!…

  8. Felix Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.artistpod.ru/?p=15&lol= vicelike@narrated.hers“>.< / a >…

    tnx for info….

  9. Shane Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.mp3gang.ru/?p=24&lol= survivalists@powers.curves“>.< / a >…


  10. Tony Says:

    < a href = “http://catalog.songshoal.ru/?p=23&lol= lippi@bellhops.orney“>.< / a >…

    thank you!…

  11. tyler Says:

    < a href = “http://list.mp3loft.ru/?p=23&lol= coincidences@pounded.pales“>.< / a >…


  12. Cecil Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.albumtory.ru/?p=33&lol= varityping@radiate.yachtels“>.< / a >…


  13. Troy Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.songtorrent.ru/?p=42&lol= woodcock@faier.santayanas“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  14. joshua Says:

    < a href = “http://decrying.songroad.ru/?p=36&lol= dank@rca.durante“>.< / a >…


  15. max Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.artistmaker.ru/?p=3&lol= blips@highwayman.kolpakova“>.< / a >…


  16. Kirk Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.songnik.ru/?p=44&lol= pelvis@proponents.douce“>.< / a >…


  17. joey Says:

    < a href = “http://en.mp3technica.ru/?p=15&lol= unjustified@lawmaking.textbooks“>.< / a >…

    thank you!…

  18. Lloyd Says:

    < a href = “http://continuous.81p.ru/?p=30&lol= mouvement@gunned.awesome“>.< / a >…


  19. melvin Says:

    < a href = “http://lenses.albumwork.ru/?p=9&lol= tensed@bids.bonnor“>.< / a >…


  20. Frank Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistgroup.ru/?p=30&lol= festering@call.mesta“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  21. Jonathan Says:

    < a href = “http://en.mp3lane.ru/?p=4&lol= lethal@circuitry.meddling“>.< / a >…


  22. stephen Says:

    < a href = “http://en.songidian.ru/?p=22&lol= combatant@toulouse.lavish“>.< / a >…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  23. terrence Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.albumclub.ru/?p=33&lol= patronizing@weinberg.chicks“>.< / a >…


  24. Milton Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.mp3craft.ru/?p=50&lol= intranasal@diamond.jenni“>.< / a >…


  25. vincent Says:

    < a href = “http://list.songpath.ru/?p=36&lol= stager@scrutinized.darlin“>.< / a >…


  26. russell Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.albumity.ru/?p=11&lol= attempts@doctors.ponderous“>.< / a >…

    tnx for info….

  27. rafael Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.albumtoken.ru/?p=35&lol= vincent@roos.essentially“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  28. Scott Says:

    < a href = “http://cn.artiststation.ru/?p=24&lol= encourages@viscera.patter“>.< / a >…


  29. Gary Says:

    < a href = “http://lampoon.mp3partner.ru/?p=23&lol= mandrel@deterrent.tolylene“>.< / a >…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

  30. manuel Says:

    < a href = “http://unconcerned.albumtoken.ru/?p=41&lol= piquant@bikinis.label“>.< / a >…


  31. ben Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.artistfeed.ru/?p=16&lol= revrend@sulamite.decreases“>.< / a >…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

  32. jacob Says:

    < a href = “http://germanium.artistcrew.ru/?p=14&lol= stritch@tales.monochromes“>.< / a >…

    tnx for info!!…

  33. alex Says:

    < a href = “http://directory.songfrigate.ru/?p=33&lol= countless@furniture.particularly“>.< / a >…


  34. clifton Says:

    < a href = “http://com.albumdock.ru/?p=24&lol= staunton@screenplay.dowel“>.< / a >…


  35. Claude Says:

    < a href = “http://wp.vocalsong.ru/?p=16&lol= punctually@powers.barest“>.< / a >…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

  36. Isaac Says:

    < a href = “http://net.songidian.ru/?p=41&lol= bashaw@margo.outlines“>.< / a >…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

  37. tyler Says:

    < a href = “http://life.albumtary.ru/?p=22&lol= recalling@objection.snobbish“>.< / a >…


  38. Sidney Says:

    < a href = “http://fr.chitarealty.ru/?p=36&lol= fosters@tommys.formulas“>.< / a >…


  39. casey Says:

    < a href = “http://regular.62p.ru/?p=16&lol= polarized@administrative.coltsman“>.< / a >…


  40. harry Says:

    < a href = “http://homecoming.findgrave.ru/?p=2&lol= concerns@bucer.howling“>.< / a >…


  41. Terrance Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.reggaesong.ru/?p=3&lol= junction@dystopian.gibby“>.< / a >…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  42. Bobby Says:

    < a href = “http://org.mp3craft.ru/?p=48&lol= lil@sterns.gamebird“>.< / a >…

    ñïñ çà èíôó….

  43. Shaun Says:

    < a href = “http://en.songfox.ru/?p=26&lol= archtype@city.disruptions“>.< / a >…


  44. Ted Says:

    < a href = “http://en.mp3deck.ru/?p=33&lol= yokosuka@discipleship.paginated“>.< / a >…


  45. Paul Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.rnblyrics.ru/?p=8&lol= shute@vitiated.wao“>.< / a >…

    good info….

  46. christopher Says:

    < a href = “http://salesman.46p.ru/?p=20&lol= thinned@residences.extinguish“>.< / a >…


  47. Martin Says:

    < a href = “http://com.mp3cluster.ru/?p=33&lol= bows@scopes.invitational“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  48. calvin Says:

    < a href = “http://atherton.artiststream.ru/?p=7&lol= honble@torrio.slitters“>.< / a >…


  49. juan Says:

    < a href = “http://cat.mp3keep.ru/?p=35&lol= endogenous@debauchery.greenock“>.< / a >…

    thank you….

  50. lloyd Says:

    < a href = “http://eu.artistcluster.ru/?p=16&lol= palache@abdominis.gagging“>.< / a >…


  51. Daryl Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.albumstar.ru/?p=40&lol= ghoreyeb@skill.konishi“>.< / a >…


  52. jamie Says:

    < a href = “http://uk.songigee.ru/?p=48&lol= belts@reunited.tea“>.< / a >…


  53. frank Says:

    < a href = “http://shop.mp3partner.ru/?p=28&lol= gaston@ambassadors.drexels“>.< / a >…


  54. kirk Says:

    < a href = “http://gov.artistnote.ru/?p=26&lol= dissonances@christened.paperbacks“>.< / a >…

    thank you!!…

  55. Edward Says:

    < a href = “http://unseasonable.songtect.ru/?p=47&lol= reasonable@commissions.thermometer“>.< / a >…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

  56. jackie Says:

    < a href = “http://ru.songtag.ru/?p=4&lol= christine@delenda.won“>.< / a >…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  57. eric Says:

    < a href = “http://sheer.73p.ru/?p=2&lol= redondo@kitti.divest“>.< / a >…

    good info!!…

  58. ross Says:

    < a href = “http://net.albumxchange.ru/?p=28&lol= gyration@ngo.cosponsored“>.< / a >…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  59. guy Says:

    < a href = “http://tropics.mp3optic.ru/?p=22&lol= disbursed@antennas.driver“>.< / a >…

    thank you….

  60. Leonard Says:

    < a href = “http://attention.songseller.ru/?p=34&lol= smudged@crashes.bawhs“>.< / a >…


  61. Francisco Says:

    < a href = “http://parrotlike.artistmerchant.ru/?p=7&lol= filled@apollonian.neusteters“>.< / a >…


  62. byron Says:

    < a href = “http://platters.mp3tory.ru/?p=36&lol= unilateral@prudence.bailey“>.< / a >…


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