Turkey Day (gobble gobble)

November 24th, 2006 at 10:21 am by mike

So we had what for me was possibly the strangest Thanksgiving ever. It was nice, just a little odd. We decided to treat ourselves to a turkey dinner, but couldn’t find any turkey. I’m not sure they have turkeys here. SO we picked up a stuffed, roast chicken and some mashed potatoes, peas, rolls, and gravy. It was a really good meal, and perhaps the largest meal we’ve had since we got here. We ate at the bar downstairs in the backpackers we stayed at, and the mix of music that was playing went from reggae to Bob Dylan to disco to the doors to dance music…It was rather ecclectic. So like I said, it was strange, but it was also really nice. And then we shaved Sarah’s head. Now we’re having pie for breakfast, and we want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

8 Responses to “Turkey Day (gobble gobble)”

  1. mom and dad Says:

    Did you really shve Sarah’s head??? Sarah,you were talking about a really short cut before you left. how courageous…I’ll bet you look GEORGEOUS!!!!!!! I wish I dared xxxooo mom.

  2. mom and dad Says:

    Rebecca, we just found out that you are Reba Jennings!!! Hi…jed

  3. sam Says:

    Yay pie! Yay shaved head!

  4. steff Says:

    hey sarah, dad showed the picture of your shaved head to everyone last night (mom, shane, sam, kristen, dan, jen) and everyone thought it looked awesome. it totally works on you! it must be so comfy!

  5. ignacio Says:

    what an incredible journey you guys are on. those landscapes are beauuuuutiful.

  6. glenn Says:

    I love how you just slipped the “oh and we shaved Sarah’s head” bit in there. Thanksgiving dinner…kinda strange, but good…eclectic music…shaved Sarah’s head…happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you guys are having a blast. I’m jealous.

  7. Rebecca Jennings Says:

    Sarah i knew your rocked before but now you have reached a level that only can be described by a high pitched hair metal YAHHHHHHHH YAHHHHHHHHHH with screaching guitar behind it. I have always wanted to shave my head but i fear what my nogging looks like!!! Why are there not pictures on your Flickr pages??? COME ON!!

    Hi Jed!! Forgot that my name is totally different and confusing!! =)

  8. Gina Says:

    Wow – what a cool Thanksgiving – sounds really different but fun…
    You shaved Sarah’s head?? Is she going to come home with a big tattoo ehwre her hair used to be? (sorry to talk in the 3rd person Sarah…)

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