
October 26th, 2006 at 12:50 pm by mike

I don’t like flying, it quite frankly scares me. I’m not as bad as I used to be, but I still get pretty anxious when I get on a plane. Plus I don’t really fit well in the seats. So it was with no small amount of trepidation that I got on our flight to New Zealand. And it really wasn’t that bad. Ok, the seats were cramped, and we couldn’t move or stretch out, because it was a completely full flight. But the take off was smooth, and I realized that you don’t feel the flying quite as much in a bigger airplane. And it was big, a 747, one of the two-story planes. (we passed the stairs on the way to our seats) And they took care of us. Every seat had a little video screen that had a remote control tucked into the armrest that you could pull out and select what you wanted to watch. They had about 25-30 movies, a bunch of TV shows, some programs about NZ, and even video games! The TV remote turned sideways and became a game controller. Sarah and I both played a bunch of Tetris. They also had pretty good food, and free wine. Flying internationally apparently has benefits.
Of course, it also lasted forever. I set the timer on my watch to count down the 12 hours and 15 minutes we were going to be in the air. At some point in the flight, after I had played video games, eaten dinner, watched half of a rugby match and an entire movie, I tried getting some sleep. I drifted off for probably a few hours, woke up and looked at my watch. Five hours to go. So I went back to sleep for what seemed like a long time. I woke up again thinking we must be close, and looked at my watch again. Three hours to go. We were never getting off that plane. After an eternity, we finally started our descent into Auckland, only to have the captain come on and say that we were having technical diffculties, and would be holding for about 5-10 minutes while they figured it out. Of course, my first thought was that the landing gear was broken, and we’d be making an emergency landing. But, sure enough, about 5 minutes later, the captain told us the problem was fixed, and we proceeded to make a rather smooth landing.
Maybe someday I’ll be better with flying. Maybe.

47 Responses to “longest.flight.evar.”

  1. mom and dad Says:

    I’m not sure if I’m really getting this comment through..but here goes-I hope that you get lots of practice getting better with flying- I hope this is the first of many, many wonderful trips.

  2. Jayna Says:

    So glad to hear that you guys made it there safe!!!! I am not a fan of flying either!!!

    You guys are in NEW ZEALAND!!!!! OMG!!!

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    good info!…

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    tnx for info!…

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    thank you!!…

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    tnx for info!…

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    good info!…

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    good info!…

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    good info….

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    tnx for info!!…

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    thanks for information!!…

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    tnx for info….

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    thank you!!…

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