Sad Kermit – who knew

March 30th, 2007 at 3:30 pm by rebaki

“It’s excruciatingly painful being green…”

who knew?

Yet another

March 29th, 2007 at 10:53 pm by mike

story by kids I work with. This time it’s by some 2nd and 3rd graders. And as with last time, I have only done some smoothing of edges.

There once lived a man named Bob who lived in Ye Olde Town of Medfield. He was a hobo, and would wander the town looking for work. Sometimes he found small jobs to do, but he never had enough work to have a place to stay. One day, as he was walking around, he noticed something odd. There was a mouse on the corner, and it was singing! Bob stopped, amazed. Read the rest of this entry »


March 29th, 2007 at 12:37 pm by sarah

Things you should not give a temp:

  • Your credit card number, expiration and security code
  • A month worth of unendorsed checks and cash
  • Permission to take these off the premises and to the bank for deposit
  • A key to the office
  • Unlimited internet, and very little to do
  • Authorization to order any and all supplies
  • Access to non-inventoried and sometimes expensive office supplies
  • Access to several members credit card information
  • Your ssn and mother’s maiden name
  • A postage meter

Read the rest of this entry »


March 29th, 2007 at 10:11 am by rebaki

I was on the train this morning and I was reading an article about how beef tastes different depending on where a cow lives and what they eat. I then looked at the picture of the cow and read the description of the picture. I had my headphones on so when i laughed out loud it must have been really loud because everyone on the train was looking at me.

cheesy story

March 28th, 2007 at 9:35 pm by mike

So it’s not entirely cheese related. It’s also not entirely mine. It was mostly written by some kindergarteners I work with at MAP (Medfield Afterschool Program). I just sort of filled in the edges. Enjoy.

Once upon a time, there was a MAP site on the side of a volcano where the kids would come to play. There were four teachers working there, Zack, Emily, Tara, and Michaela. The kids had a lot of fun, playing games, singing songs, and doing projects. It was a really happy place for everyone.
One day, Chicken Pock, one of the children, heard a rumbling from deep in the volcano. He tried to warn the teachers, but he didn’t have time. The volcano erupted, and the MAP building went flying up in the air. Everyone was scared at first, but it landed safely in the water by the edge of the volcano. Then everyone noticed that Michaela was not in the building. In fact, she had been thrown out into the air when the volcano erupted. Fortunately, there was a kite flying by, and she grabbed it and sailed back down. But when she got to the MAP building, she stubbed her toe on the wall. Just then a snowman was walking along and saw her hurt toe. He gave her a band-aid, and then started to dance. She was so amused by this that she decided to dance with him.
Right about the same time, a frog was coming out of the ocean. He was hungry, so he looked around for some food. He looked up and down and all around, then saw the sun shining up in the sky. Mmm, that looks good, he thought, and jumped up to eat it. Of course, it was too hot to eat, so he spit it out and jumped back in the water and had a big drink to cool his throat. Then he thought of the moon, which he knew was made of green cheese. So he jumped up and ate the moon. It was delicious, and his color changed from red to green. Then he jumped back down to take a nap next to the volcano.
After a while, a squirrel came sniffing along and saw the frog. The squirrel was hungry too, and swallowed the frog up in one big gulp! Then the squirrel lay down to take a nap right in the same spot. Well, wouldn’t you know it, along came a fox, also looking for food! When the fox saw the squirrel, she went over and gobbled it up in one gulp. This finally woke up the frog, who was stuck in the squirrel’s belly. He got out his walkie-talkie, called the squirrel and said “Let me out of here!” Of course, the squirrel was stuck in the fox’s belly, so the squirrel had to call up the fox on the walkie-talkie. “Let me out of here!” said the squirrel. So the fox coughed up the squirrel, and the squirrel coughed up the frog. The frog landed in the volcano, which was so hot, it turned him red again. He hopped out into the water to cool off, then hopped away.
Meanwhile, the kids at MAP had decided they liked the building being in the water. From that day on, the kids would go swimming whenever they were at MAP.

My love is ripe for you

March 28th, 2007 at 1:31 pm by sam

Oh stinky comestible
how I love you so
you make my heart so big
and my breath, like whoa.

I love you when you come from Spain
I love you most from France
I think I love you so much that
I’d wear you as underpants.

Oh my old milk
you curdle up so well
I think I’ll marry you one day
and forever we will smell…

authors, authors

March 20th, 2007 at 6:41 pm by notmike

everywhere, so let’s all have a drink.

Seriously, though, it is now possible for anyone interested to become a site author. Just click on login, then select register. You will be emailed a password after you pick your login name.
Then you can log in as an author and create your own posts. Any problems, let us know.

say cheese!

March 19th, 2007 at 7:38 am by sarah


Is this thing still on?

March 15th, 2007 at 5:39 am by sarah

Does anyone miss reading about our exploits? More than we miss exploiting? This dreary, workaday, regular life has taken a hold of us, and I for one desperately miss doing something new and interesting each and every day. I miss the freedom, I miss the adventure, and I miss the sheep damnit. More pointedly though, I miss writing about the new and interesting every day, or almost every day, or whenever we got a chance. Quick posts to let people know we were okay, long descriptions of our adventures, and longer rants about our misadventures. Having to catalog what you’ve been up to is an interesting and insightful process. I miss being able to take a moment and talk about what has been going on. 

On top of that, keeping in touch with everyone at once was such a great thing. Maybe it’s a passive way to maintain friendships, but I think it works in this crazy modern world; when everyone is so busy, phone tag seems never ending, and you keep meaning to email people but never seem to get around to it. Maybe a message board is the way to go?  Basically this post is about finding out people’s interest level. What if we kept the blog going? What if we changed it a bit and opened it up somehow so that anyone who wanted to could leave their own message, updates, questions, rants or insights? What if it could be anything you wanted to say, share, or show? What if it could be everything you’ve ever wanted, and more? What then, people? What then?Â